Wolf Run State Park Oh camping

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0cef31ab64ead2f08fdff11655d3272f cropped 1672291079 Greetings! I’m Jeff and this is my camping site. I like the outdoors and to camp at different locations.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 16170 Wolf Run Rd.                                                                                                     Caldwell OH 43724                                                                                                      (740) 732-5035                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           A good place to take a vacation. Review things to bring so you don’t forget anything. Find a location to place your campsite. Build a campfire and pitch your tent. A cooler for food and beverages kept cold. A RV-camper with a generator in case there are no power hook-ups. Has 138 nonelectric campsites. There are cabins for rent and lodging.                                                                       At Wolf Run state Park offers more than 1000 acres of scenic woodlands and clean waters and a quiet retreat. There are hiking trails at the park. Wear good boots or sneakers for this adventure in the forest. Jogging and mountain biking are popular activities.

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         May not have cell phone connection in some areas. A set of walkie talkies would be a good substitute. A camera brought as you look at scenic views and take photos to look at later. Insect repellent for those nasty mosquitoes. A campfires smoke helps keep flying insects away.                                                                                                    08a7beb8526b2fcd1a24409218f4e536 cropped 1672291297        Lay out on the beach and get a suntan on hot summer days and take a dip in the water to cool off. At night take a swim and the water feels warmer. Go scuba diving and snorkeling. Water ski and wind sailing are popular activities.                                                           Inner tubing and rafting are exciting and float or paddle around to wherever you want. Wear a life jacket for safety reasons. A boat on a river has strong currents and rapids that can tip your boat over.                                                                                                      Bring your fishing poles as there are many species of fish at the lake. Can fish on a boat or along the shore. Have a cookout back at the camp and cook fish over the campfire or grill for dinner.                                                                                                                                     Wash your dishes in a couple containers, one with soapy water and the other with rinse water. There are many species of animals in the woods, and they can smell food a distance away and can come to your camp hungry. Try not to leave food out while away from the camp or at night when people are sleeping.

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          There are playgrounds at the park where kids can play. Skip stones in the river or a lake. Play laser tag at night and hide and seek. A telescope to look at the stars and constellations.                               Many games to play such as corn hole, ring toss, and horseshoes. Throw a football or frisbee around. Play catch with a ball and glove. Play a board game or cards. Groups of people can play volleyball and soccer.                                                                                              Pet policy- Pets are allowed and must be on a leash and under control at all times and cleaned up after. Dogs are allowed on the hiking trail. But not in the water.                                                                     These are some of the activities and there are much more. Leave a message if you like at the comment section at the bottom. Can click on my e-mail site and leave a message also. Enjoy your camping adventure wherever you decide to go camping.                                                                                                                                                   Jeff                                                                                                             jeff@mycampingvacationsites.com

About the author

mycampingvacationsites.com is a website to help people find locations to have a memorable vacation.

3 throughts on "Wolf Run State Park Oh camping"

  1. Hi Jeff, thank you for the detailed information provided in your article, especially regarding the location. Due to the fact that I live in another country, it is a bit difficult to get to know and benefit from the beauties of the campsite. Anyway, I have to specify that your article reminded me of my childhood, when every weekend, the whole family, took tents and went camping. No phone, just the necessary tools and lots of good cheer.

    1. Hello! was nice to hear from you. I used to camp a bit years ago with friends and camping always does have something different and sometimes it’s quite an adventure. I like to canoe on a river and that is lots of fun. Have just gotten an innertube and we would float downstream for several miles and enjoy the day. Take a long hike during one of the days camping and that can be quite the scenery.

  2. This post makes me want to pack my bags right now! With so many amazing activities to enjoy and beautiful scenery to take in, Wolf Run state Park truly sounds like a one-of-a-kind experience. Plus, the reminder to be mindful of wildlife and keep food secure adds an important layer of safety to the adventure.

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